Path Values in http.ServeMux

A common Go opinion (idiom, warcry, take your pick) is “don’t use frameworks”. Certainly, when building a simple http service with one or two endpoints, it doesn’t feel like one is necessary.

When your requirements get more complicated, it may feel like you are doing a lot of hard work that a framework can help you with. That is an understandable opinion - the Go standard …

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Using ssh & rsync to sync documents to a kindle

I jailbroke my Kindle as I wanted to be able to sync my own documents to it, without sending them to the Amazon magic email address, and without having to plug the thing into USB.

It seems like the most common way to do this is with KOReader and Calibre. For various reasons, I dislike Calibre. Among other things I did not want to have to run a desktop GUI app to synchronise my books. How …

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Designing and 3D printing a lamp

Since I got a 3D printer, I have done the obligatory amount of downloading other people’s models and printed them out.

But I wanted to try my hand at the “whole process” - designing and printing a 3D object. I also wanted it to be something practical.

These LED strip controllers are very cheap and highly available (on Aliexpress and similar).
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Unmarshaling arrays of disparate items

Creating a custom UnmarshalJSON to handle arrays of disparately typed objects.
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Charging an EV for free - part 2

In part 1 I described the fundamental principle of the system – the inputs and outputs to the system and the concept of having a control loop to maximise the charging power without exceeding the amount of excess energy available.

I’ll let you in on a little secret – at that point I didn’t even have an EV yet. I was still waiting on delivery. I had the charger though, and I wrote a …

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Charging an EV for free - part 1

The solar landscape has changed in Australia.

In the boom days of solar, there were extensive and lucrative reasons to invest in solar power for the home. The FIT (Feed In Tarrifs) were so high (ludicrously so, really) with enormously long tenures, that getting solar was a no-brainer.

Not that I’m arguing that that was a bad idea. It has made us a nation where home renewable power generation …

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So you know X and you want to learn Go?

Learning Go, from the viewpoint of a dynamic language programmer
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Embedded SQL migrations with jackc/tern

tern is a powerful standalone SQL migration tool, which I’ve used quite a bit in the past.

I’ve always treated the migration as a separate step - deploy the application and then perform the migration. This requires me to potentially move the schema migrations files around, or run the migration via an ssh tunnel or similar.

One of the advantages of golang is being able to ship a single …

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For loops with consistent timing

“Do a thing, sleep a while, repeat” is an extremely common paradigm. Here is how that concept is typically expressed:

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htmx, embedded assets and html/template

htmx is a new javascript framework that tips the typical front-end development paradigm on its head. A typical webapp these days looks like:

  • backend, implementing business logic
  • a transport layer (REST endpoints, serving JSON)
  • a front-end in javascript

While this has become the defacto model for front-end development in 2022, there are some problems with this approach:

  • You need two different …

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